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I have never gone a day in my life walking through the hallways at EC without a teacher saying "Hi" to me as I walked towards my next class of the day. Everybody is friendly and it is easy to get comfortable and acquainted with so many caring and unique people that make up our school environment.

  • Jesse
  • Class of 2016


Class of 2016

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?
Definitely the warm, community environment. I have never gone a day in my life walking through the hallways at EC without a teacher saying “Hi” to me as I walked towards my next class of the day. Everybody is friendly and it is easy to get comfortable and acquainted with so many caring and unique people that make up our school environment.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.
Definitely Mr. U because he is such a personable and charismatic teacher. He began chatting with me near the end of freshman year because he began to anticipate his future sophomore class and immediately picked up on my love and passion of history. He has such a way with students by combining personal anecdotes and effective, hilarious, humor and balancing that with the seriousness history classes offer. Over time, he has become one of my greatest influences by pushing me to become a better student though my papers and projects. He has also been a strong mentor by supporting my endeavors and quest to become the future President of the United States.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?
It is amazing that in every subject I have taken in school, the teachers have done such an amazing job of intertwining our Christian values and worldview into the subject material. I have learned that God is relevant in any subject or occupation that I will pursue in my future. EC has brought me closer and shown me the essential need of having a strong personal relationship with Christ in order to flourish in the world.

The Eastern Christian tagline is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience an education that is engaging, nurturing and transforming at EC?
I was able to take rigorous courses that pushed my academic limits by classes that engaged me such as Humanities and the honors courses in math. In addition, the electives offered by EC were beneficial to my interests such as International Relations and American Law because I have the intention of majoring in Political Science in college. Experienced teachers, like Mr. Beverly, were able to challenge our preconceived thoughts on certain issues and make us look at the world through different lenses; this has certainly transformed the way I looked at the world.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college and life?
The personal experiences and lessons I have absorbed from teachers have left a lasting mark on my life. It is so comforting to know that the teachers here at EC absolutely love their jobs and want their students to be world changers. EC offers an abundance of rigorous courses, and I was able to space them out throughout my four years so I could keep pushing myself to attaining my goal of getting into an amazing college. Here, it’s not just about taking set courses that culminate towards a large test or final at the end of the semester. You have flexibility and choices in pursuing what you want to do by picking different, diverse classes and this allows you to start charting a course towards college and beyond.

What would you say to a high school student considering joining Eastern Christian School?
Although high school is a place of new beginning, and that can be intimidating for many, make sure you feel right and comfortable because high school is the launching pad for your future and career towards college and life in the real world. Everything clicked for me at EC because of the strong community of students, dedication to teaching from teachers, and strong, personalized support from our amazing College & Career Office (Mr. Struck was instrumental in getting me to the place I am today). Eastern Christian really is a school where you can thrive and grow in such a supportive Christian environment by being yourself and pursuing your passions.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?
One of the most profound, deep experiences I have had at EC was after a baseball game. The day was April 15, 2013 and word quickly spread on the bus that the marathon at Boston had been bombed. It was a very solemn game we played that day knowing that a sporting event was affected by an act of terrorism. After the game, we asked the other team to pray with us and that was such a powerful experience. It didn’t matter that the other team was a public school, but we were able to come together, with Christ unifying us, and pray for our nation that had been wounded that day.

The student body and faculty at EC are second to none, and no matter what your circumstance, your peers and teachers will do their absolute best to support you and encourage you to continually be better.

  • Tyler
  • Seton Hall


Seton Hall

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

The teaching staff at Eastern Christian has been extremely supportive of me in all my endeavors with both education and extracurriculars as well as putting the maximum effort into making sure I succeed as a student and person. Teachers at EC are so friendly, and I look forward to seeing them every day in class, and passing them in the hallway. I’m really going to miss them because I know that no other school that I attend in the future will have teachers even half as amazing as EC.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

Mrs. Troast has taken countless hours out of her prep block to have meetings with me whenever I have questions on assignments or I start to fall behind on homework or tests. She makes learning history both engaging and fun, and more than any other person in my life has done her best to ensure my success in humanities and as a student.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

By having the opportunity to publicly speak about Christ, and by having devotions every morning I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many amazing Christians outside of church and both grow more accepting as a person and to grow my faith with God.

In addition, I’ve also worked on chapel Tech for all 4 years of high school, and I’ve gotten to talk to and work with nearly every speaker and every member of the chapel band who has taken part in a service during my high school career. This gave me a unique opportunity to have conversations with people who love God and the Scriptures which has deeply impacted me.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

The skills and education I received at Eastern Christian, as well as the respect, confidence, and morals which were reinforced in my life really prepared me to feel ready for college.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

The grace and kindness which teachers and faculty show to the student body at EC is something I have never seen before and can only be compared to a family.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

The student body and faculty at EC are second to none, and no matter what your circumstance, your peers and teachers will do their absolute best to support you and encourage you to continually be better.

What else would you like to share about your EC experience?

Coming in to Eastern Christian I had been homeschooled my whole life, so I had no friends and no schooling experience, but the student body and faculty accepted me with open arms and really made me feel comfortable and loved.

The community at Eastern Christian is by far the most supportive, thoughtful, and kindest school community that I have ever encountered.

  • Kristen
  • Pepperdine



What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

The community at Eastern Christian is by far the most supportive, thoughtful, and kindest school community that I have ever encountered.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

Mrs. Genuario is my favorite teacher in EC. She is incredibly caring, loving, and can make my day better by just talking to me.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

Eastern Christian helped me grow in my faith significantly. Being able to talk about how God is moving through the generations in History, marvel at how God had created our bodies in Health, and many other things in each class helped my faith grow and be more applicable in my day to day life.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

EC education was engaging, nurturing, and transforming. Teachers have a relationship with every single student and encourages them to be more engaged in our lessons and discussions. Through the way that the teachers showed that they care for us and in Bible Study Clubs such as ‘Anchored’, I would constantly feel nurtured during the harder days. EC helped me transform my view on life and had pushed me to run after a life full of purpose, excitement, and one personally given to me by my Creator.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

Eastern Christian has provided me with a modern Christian environment and gave me a platform to be able to freely talk about my experiences in life and how God had been working through me.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

I don’t know any other school like Eastern Christian. You can expect to have your world shaken once you join EC.

I have been pushed to not only strive for excellence but more importantly strive for Jesus in all that I do.

  • Hans
  • Sophie Davis


Sophie Davis

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

I love the EC community. Coming from a different country with a totally different school system I was very afraid to start school, but that fear quickly faded. From the very first day of school I could tell that I was surrounded by a warm and nurturing community that is unified by Christ’s love. The culture at Eastern Christian is one that encourages you to strive for excellence in all that you do. Be it in academics, theater, music, or athletics, the EC community will be right there cheering you on.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

One of my favorite teachers is Ms. Bazanowski, who teaches Biology and Anatomy & Physiology. Ms. Bazanowski has had a huge impact on my ambition to become a doctor. Her love for God is very evident in the way she teaches and prays for her students each and every day. Ms. Bazanowski not sparked my love for the sciences but she has also been a great christian example to follow throughout my high school career.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

As a freshman I considered myself a Christian but I was very disconnected from God. Because of the safe and comfortable environment at Eastern Christian I have been able to invest and grow deeper in my faith. I was also able to go on a missions trip with EC to Tanzania. This further reinforced my faith and revealed to me the joy in serving Christ through serving others.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

Every class I have taken since freshman year has been very engaging. The teachers always encourage us to learn new concepts, ask questions, and think critically. Through the nurturing environment here at EC students are then transformed into strong christians that are prepared for college and eventually life.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

I have been pushed to not only strive for excellence but more importantly strive for Jesus in all that I do. Because of Eastern Christian’s emphasis on service I have been able to be a part of multiple service projects, community outreach, and missions trips. These experiences have continued to reinforce my ambition to become a doctor that serves the underserved

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

During my senior year I was able gain work experience at a local hospital through the WINGS program. This experience is something that has truly helped prepare me for my career in medicine. Volunteering at the hospital exposes me to things that you wouldn’t learn in a classroom.This amazing program allows me to gain invaluable knowledge to make me a more advanced student and prepares me for my future.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

I would tell a prospective student that at Eastern Christian you will find a God loving community made up of people that want to see you grow into the amazing person God intended you to be!

I am ready to step out into the world with kindness and humility, two things I learned from my teachers, and conquer any challenges with God as my shield.

  • Elaina
  • Humber College


Humber College

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

As a student with multiple diagnosed learning differences, I have always struggled to find a school that supports me both academically and emotionally. Having learning differences can cause many problems with a student’s self-esteem and until beginning my education at ECHS I never truly felt intelligent or equal to my peers academically. I have experienced multiple ways of schooling; I’ve been in the public system in both America and Canada, I have been home-schooled, and now, I am finishing in a private Christian school. Throughout my public education (K-7) I was treated less than my peers because of the way I learned and I also felt like a burden on my teachers. However, at ECHS the possibilities are seemingly endless when it comes to the teachers and resources this school provides for students like me. Mrs. Englehard, Mrs. Post, and Mrs. Johnson have sat patiently with me and helped me understand any work I had to complete without complaining or even a sigh. I am so thankful EC has given me a place to thrive in. For the last 2 semesters, I have achieved high honor roll and it was possible because of these accommodations EC happily provides.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

I am extremely thankful for Mrs. Genuario. She is a light in ECHS and a light in any student’s life who has had the opportunity to take one of her classes. Her ability to always be herself no matter what is truly inspiring and I hope I grow into a woman similar to her. She is a woman with apparent, deep-rooted faith and so much love for God. Her continuous prayers for me and my life have always brought me a sense of comfort and her ability to produce multiple newspapers a school year and a fully completed yearbook all by herself is mind-boggling. I am so thankful she is here and I was able to be taught and inspired by her every-day.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

EC has taught me a lot about God’s love and God’s forgiveness. High school is a time to make huge strides in your emotional maturity and academic maturity but it is no secret that high school can also be a time to make mistakes (and I have made MANY mistakes). Through it all, God showed me the importance of ‘moving on.’ I have learned that everything that happens is for a reason.

In this school and through my teachers/mentors I have grown in this aspect of my faith. I have learned to trust God and not worry so much.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

The teachers at ECHS are some of the most caring and loving men and women I have ever encountered. Not only can they make an hour and twenty block class fly by, but you can sense the true care they feel their students every day. My teachers have always wanted me to thrive (something very rare in the public system) and I am very thankful for that.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

Well, I can write an essay like nobody’s business at this point… but I can also think critically, logically, and spiritually on my own. I feel like I am ready to step out into the world with kindness and humility, two things I learned from my teachers, and conquer any challenges with God as my shield.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

I was able to participate in the WINGS program at Christian Health Care Center in Wyckoff. For a student like me who does not take very rigorous courses in school, it is so helpful to have an internship with credits attached to it. I was able to bump up my GPA and resume in one class which is extremely helpful. I am thankful for my internship because it taught me so much about the working world and what to expect.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

It’s a small school, so try to get involved. I made the majority of my friends in the first two weeks of high school after I joined the school play. Of course, this was terrifying, but I thought it would be fun to play a part like “tree #3” and make friends while doing it. It’s important to be involved, not only socially, but also later in life. Involvement means a longer and stronger transcript and better relationship with teachers, which can never hurt.

Due to the comforting and supporting environment, I was able to explore interests, things about myself, and come out of my shell without worrying about failing.

  • Jaylyn
  • William Paterson


William Paterson

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

I love the environment and community that the staff creates for these students. Throughout my years at EC I’ve noticed significant differences between this school and others. The faculty’s relationship with the students is different from any other school. They’re supportive, nurturing, involved and loving. I’ve formed such great relationships with some of my teachers that helped me feel supported and cared for throughout my years at EC. I felt comfortable to explore talents and interests that I may have been too timid to explore without those teachers supporting me and being there for me to approach whenever I needed to.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

It was only until recently that I realized how much this teacher has impacted my faith and growth. I was being interviewed for an article in EC Times, and when asked about people who have influenced my growth I could not stop talking about Ms. Lindemulder. Through having classes with her, I’ve learned so much more than another language. She displayed what it means to walk in Christ every single day she walked into the classroom. She taught me how to explore other people’s cultures– to be open-minded, loving, and accepting. She taught me how to put myself into other people’s shoes, so I could better understand and love them. She also just always brought light into any interaction, and never ceased to brighten up my day no matter what she was going through. She has been such a role model to me as a Christian.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I’ve learned how to better minister to others through my actions, and to love others the way Christ loves us. It’s easy in the community that Eastern Christian provides to grow in these ways, especially with supportive teachers and students around you who want you to grow.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

Like I answered earlier, the teachers here create nurturing relationships that set Eastern Christian apart from others schools, and I am so grateful I was able to have that. High School is hard time for teenagers. It’s time where your figuring out how you view the world, and a lot of our lives changed a great deal during our high school years. It is amazing to have teachers that are willing to be with you through every part of it and offer guidance, support, care, and advice, that go beyond what’s being taught in the classroom.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

I knew from my freshman year that I wanted to go into therapy of some kind, specifically to help people with special needs. However, EC gave me a different motivation. I now want to go into this career so I can help better love others the way Christ calls us to. This stems from my classes with Ms. Lindemulder, where she taught me how there are many ways to do this even by just putting yourself in their shoes and getting to know how they live their life. I decided that I wanted to incorporate this into the work I want to do, and love the kids I work with the way Christ calls us to love.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

I really came out of a shell that I wasn’t aware I had at EC. I came to EC very reserved and not comfortable with myself. Due to the comforting and supporting environment, I was able to explore interests, things about myself, and come out of my shell without worrying about failing. I knew I was supported in anything I wanted to try, and that when I did something to come out of my shell I would supported and welcomed. I don’t think I would have felt that same comfort or had that same opportunity anywhere else.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

Do not be nervous or afraid. I remember coming into my freshman I was nervous. Nervous about getting to know new students, teachers, and trying to navigate my high school experience somewhere I had never been and where I was completely new. However, I couldn’t have felt more welcomed. You won’t regret coming to EC, and you certainly have nothing to worry about. My first day at EC teachers were so welcoming and helpful, and I found students to navigate with and laugh all the way through it.

I feel prepared for college writing and presentations thanks to EC's Humanities program.

  • Cassidy
  • Cornell



What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

I love the teachers at Eastern Christian. The smaller class size means that teachers often take an individualized interest in you and your learning, which makes it easier to ask questions or get help when necessary. As a result, I have been able to build strong relationships with many of my teachers through both classes and extracurricular clubs, and some of the teachers have become my trusted mentors.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

Mrs. Kim, who teaches many of EC’s math classes, is one of my favorite teachers because of the way she connects with her students. She’s incredibly knowledgeable about mathematics, and she is able to convey the material in a way that is fun and interesting. I always look forward to her classes.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I have a better understanding of faith and how to connect with God as a result of my experience at Eastern Christian. The Bible teachers are always willing to answer any questions that I might have, which has been helpful for growing my faith. They are genuinely interested in each person’s walk with God, and they understand that not everyone is in the same place in their relationship with God.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

The STEAM program is one way that I have experienced all three of these ideas in my education at Eastern Christian. STEAM is a four-year program in which students focus on a single research question or project idea, so it really allowed me to engage in learning about a single topic. STEAM students are also assigned mentors, which allows teachers to nurture students’ minds and challenge them to grow. Finally, when I first drafted my STEAM proposal in freshman year, I was challenged by the STEAM mentors to create a project that would have a positive and tangible impact on the world, which reflects EC’s focus on transformation.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

Academically, I feel prepared for college writing and presentations thanks to EC’s Humanities program. I believe that the regular essays and presentations required for that class have prepared me for college assignments and given me essential skills that I will need when I enter the workforce later in life.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

I think one of the experiences that is unique to EC is the Christmas Festival, which has become a tradition at Eastern Christian High School. Every year, EC hosts first and second grade students from a Paterson elementary school and celebrates Christmas with them. Being a high school buddy to one of the first or second grade students and watching them have fun with the different activities is an experience that is definitely unique to EC. The way that the community comes together to hold the event and ensure that the children have a joyful Christmas celebration is reflective of the strong and caring community we have here at EC.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

I would tell them that there are a lot of opportunities to learn and grow at EC, and deciding not to attend would be a missed opportunity. Regardless of what they are interested in, EC is able to provide a way for them to explore the subjects they love. EC students also have diverse academic and personal interests, so I would say that prospective students shouldn’t worry that it will be difficult to find a group of like-minded people that they can learn with.

Eastern Christian has motivated me to become a leader in many different areas.

  • Juliana
  • Hope College


Hope College

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

While at Eastern Christian, I didn’t feel like I was just another student walking in the hallway. Both the faculty and students created an environment where my voice was able to be heard. I have been able to hold many enlightening conversations in which others sought to learn about me as a person and where I was able to hear their perspectives as well. The integration of care while broadening my horizons has been a fruitful and rewarding experience.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

Although it is hard to pick just one teacher as my favorite, Ms. Roniet is definitely one that comes to mind. As both my Humanities II World History Honors and Genocide and Human Behavior teacher, I had the privilege to learn a lot about the story of humanity from her. She is knowledgeable about the subjects she teaches and encourages her students to think deeper about material when conversations are held in class. She has never failed to make me laugh while making pop culture references when describing historical events and it is evident that she enjoys teaching and being with students. As a student that wants to pursue a career in the social sciences and humanities, Ms. Roniet has shown me different ways to consider others’ perspectives, digest material, and see how God has worked in our lives. Because of her, I know that my understanding of the God’s world has been strengthened.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

I have grown tremendously in my faith in the past four years while at Eastern Christian. Over the course of these years, I have been a part of Anchored Girls’ Christian Fellowship— an all-female Bible study that occurs during SOAR— and my involvement has escalated from member to co-leader during my senior year. This Bible study has taught me a lot about what it means to be a Christian, but more importantly, how to be a woman of God. I learned that a woman of God has been blessed with the ability to care for others, work hard, and able to become a leader as well. In my daily life, I have been challenged to integrate these ideas into my endeavors and embed the love of Christ into all that I do. I know that my vision of what it means to be a Christian has been transformed by my experience at Eastern Christian.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

Before starting at EC, I thought that a high school education constituted of sitting in a room with a textbook on the desk, a pencil by your side, and just writing down information on the board; however, once I started I realized that this was not the case. Eastern Christian offers a curriculum that explains God’s involvement in the world around us and how it affects us as human beings. My teachers have effectively communicated this message by not just teaching material in the lecture style, but creating hypothetical scenarios in which the material we learned would be used, having students explore the world outside of Eastern Christian through field trips, and encouraging our own adventure into material through research projects and group discussions. These methods have challenged me in a multitude of ways but they occurred at a pace that fostered interest rather than stress. This positive experience has encouraged me to become engaged in the world around me and see the different complexities that it holds.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

Eastern Christian has taught me the importance of community. Rather than encouraging competition, there is an emphasis on diversity, conversing with others, and celebrating others’ accomplishments. I think that learning how to effectively communicate and genuinely interacting with others in manners like these is something of significance as our world continues to expand. I am excited to see how God will guide me and my understanding of community as I enter the real world.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

While at EC, I have had many cross-cultural interactions and opportunities. This school has allowed me to be involved in a missions trip to Guatemala, an exchange trip to the Netherlands over Spring Break and to even befriend the international students. Through these experiences, I have been challenged to expand my means of interactions and as a result, have become more curious about the world itself; I learned that regardless of cultural or language backgrounds, people can still communicate with each other and share the same interests. As I enter college, I am grateful to have learned the importance of cross-cultural interaction from the opportunities that Eastern Christian offers.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

During 8th grade, I was presented with the choice of coming to Eastern Christian or continuing my education in my current school system. However, I chose to attend Eastern Christian my freshman year of high school because I knew that they offered a unique experience I wouldn’t be able to get anywhere else. Through various visits, I saw that the faculty and staff are incredible people who not only truly enjoy their area of study, but genuinely care about their students. Over the course of my high school career, I have been able to affirm that my observation was true as the teachers continuent show interest in me as a student and as a person. The discussions that I have had with teachers have strengthened my understanding of the material in class but also what it means to be a Christian. Although these aspects may seem small, in the long run, they have a huge impact on your high school experience. I know that I have become more interested in my studies, involvement in the community, and most importantly, my faith because of this aspect. If you are considering attending Eastern Christian, I would definitely recommend visiting the school and talking with some of the teachers to witness this yourself.

What else would you like to share about your EC experience?

Eastern Christian has motivated me to become a leader in many different areas. Although these opportunities do require determination on one’s own part, they also require the willingness of those around them. Through my involvement in student government, the Art Club, small groups, and faith-based organizations, I have been able to work with people who encouraged me to become a better leader and were willing to dedicate time and effort into strengthening my abilities. I am extremely grateful for all of the opportunities those at Eastern Christian have offered me.

The teachers here are genuine, loving, and caring mentors.

  • Chan Gyu
  • Michigan State

Chan Gyu

Michigan State

What do you love about Eastern Christian School?

How do I even begin, there are many things I love about Eastern Christian but my absolute favorite has to be the teachers. The teachers here are genuine, loving, and caring mentors. They are easy to approach and become your friends while still having that student-teacher relationship. The care and thought they put into this school and the students are immense and need to be acknowledged.

Describe one of your favorite teachers and tell why he/she is a favorite.

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Clark, who is the orchestra teacher. She scouted me into orchestra back in junior year and sparked and fueled my love for music. Though this may sound crazy to some students but everyday I looked forward to orchestra. She made it such a welcoming environment and showed respect and genuine care for others. She felt like a second mother and there are no words to describe how truly amazing person she is.

In what ways have you grown in your faith as a result of your experience at Eastern Christian School?

Last year for a project in Mr. Bailey’s apologetic class we were assigned to research various arguments against Christianity and with this research we were told to defend against these arguments. This triggered my faith to grow because it forced me to defend my beliefs against others. When we go to our churches we usually attend peacefully without arguments because everybody who goes there have the same degree of beliefs. However the real world is nothing like our churches and people will challenge our beliefs. This class prepared and strengthened me in faith for the challenges of the real world.

At Eastern Christian we talk about an education that is “Engaging. Nurturing. Transforming.” How did you experience this kind of education at EC?

Throughout my high school career not a single teacher was not engaging. Whether through academics / faith / worldview they all have engaged in someway. Nurturing came from the community where we were supported by one another and the teachers who over viewed our process of growth and made sure to guide us to the correct path. From freshmen to Senior, I went through constant transformations, improving my personality, academics, and spirituality.

How do you feel that EC prepared you for graduation, college/career and life?

I feel that EC has well prepared me for graduation and the future. The unusual blocking system gave us a taste of how college classes are going to be and by teaching critical thinking, it allowed me to look and think outside the box. Also the staff in college and career were constantly there for us for college or life advices.

What opportunities did you experience at EC that you don’t think you would have gotten to experience anywhere else?

The relationships I built with my teachers are something I doubt I’ll experience anywhere else. Like how I’ve repeated for the past several thousand times, the teachers show genuine care and respect for us. It’s just something you can’t always get.

What would you say to a prospective student considering joining Eastern Christian School?

You will not regret it. There will be many challenges, opportunities and friendships that will come along and if you join, it will be up to you to take up on those to make it your best EC experience.

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